Street Segment



The dataset that shows a representation of portions of streets with uniform characteristics. This layer is too large to load via WFS for the entire country. It can be customised based on client requirements.

Column Name Data TypeData UDT TypeNullableDescriptionBasicStandardEnterprise
geomgeometrygeometryYESThe spatial component or definition of the geographic
objectidintegerint4NOAn internal, managed, unique and non-null integer used to uniquely identify records. The values are limited to 32-bit values, which store a maximum value of 2,147,483,
created_attimestamp without time zonetimestampNOThe created date of the record.x
updated_attimestamp without time zonetimestampYESThe last modification date of the record.xx
revised_attimestamp without time zonetimestampYESThe reviewed date of the record.x
sfidcharacter varyingvarcharYESGlobal Feature Identifier as defined by the GML2 specification.x
fidintegerint4YESLocal Feature Identifier as defined by the GML2 specification.x
feature_length_mdouble precisionfloat8YESThe length of the street segment measured in metres.xx
dirsmallintint2YESIndicates one ways and dual roads.x
feature_code_isocharacter varyingvarcharYESReserved - Geospatial dictionary feature classification - ISOx
feature_code_sagdcharacter varyingvarcharYESReserved - Geospatial dictionary feature classification - SANSx
country_idintegerint4NOThe identifier of the national administrative division. xx
countrycharacter varyingvarcharYESThe official country name specified in English.xx
isonintegerint4YESThe iso country number defined in ISO 3166-1.x
iso3character varyingvarcharYESThe three-letter country code defined in ISO 3166-1.x
iso2character varyingvarcharYESThe two-letter country code defined in ISO 3166-1.x
adminarea_l1_idintegerint4YESThe identifier of the first-level administrative area.xx
adminarea_l1_typecharacter varyingvarcharYESThe type of the first-level administrative area.x
adminarea_l1_namecharacter varyingvarcharYESThe name of the first-level administrative area.xx
adminarea_l1_shortnamecharacter varyingvarcharYESAn abbreviated or abridged textual name of the first-level administrative area.x
adminarea_l1_variantnamecharacter varyingvarcharYESAn alternative and/or former name of the first-level administrative area.x
adminarea_l2_idintegerint4YESThe identifier of the second-level administrative area.x
adminarea_l2_typecharacter varyingvarcharYESThe type of the second-level administrative area.x
adminarea_l2_namecharacter varyingvarcharYESThe name of the second-level administrative area.x
adminarea_l2_shortnamecharacter varyingvarcharYESAn abbreviated or abridged textual name of the second-level administrative area.x
adminarea_l2_variantnamecharacter varyingvarcharYESAn alternative and/or former name of the second-level administrative area.x
adminarea_l3_idintegerint4YESThe identifier of the third-level administrative area.xx
adminarea_l3_typecharacter varyingvarcharYESThe type of the third-level administrative area.x
adminarea_l3_namecharacter varyingvarcharYESThe name of the third-level administrative area.xx
adminarea_l3_shortnamecharacter varyingvarcharYESAn abbreviated or abridged textual name of the third-level administrative area.x
adminarea_l3_variantnamecharacter varyingvarcharYESAn alternative and/or former name of the third-level administrative area.x
locality_idintegerint4YESThe identifier of the locality.xx
locality_typecharacter varyingvarcharYESThe type of the locality.x
locality_namecharacter varyingvarcharYESThe name of the locality.xx
locality_shortnamecharacter varyingvarcharYESAn abbreviated or abridged textual name of the locality.x
locality_variantnamecharacter varyingvarcharYESAn alternative and/or former name of the locality.x
sublocality_idintegerint4YESThe identifier of the sub-locality.xx
sublocality_typecharacter varyingvarcharYESThe type of the sub-locality.x
sublocality_namecharacter varyingvarcharYESThe name of the sub-locality.xx
sublocality_shortnamecharacter varyingvarcharYESAn abbreviated or abridged textual name of the sub-locality.x
sublocality_variantnamecharacter varyingvarcharYESAn alternative and/or former name of the sub-locality.x
sapo_boxcodecharacter varyingvarcharYESSouth African Post Office postal code for box delivery as interpreted by AfriGIS (Pty) Ltd.x
sapo_streetcodecharacter varyingvarcharYESSouth African Post Office postal code for street delivery as interpreted by AfriGIS (Pty) Ltd.x
gatedcommunity_idintegerint4YESThe identifier of the gated community.x
gatedcommunity_namecharacter varyingvarcharYESThe gated community name.x
gatedcommunity_typecharacter varyingvarcharYESThe type of the gated community.x
majregion_idintegerint4YESThe identifier of the major region.x
majregion_namecharacter varyingvarcharYESThe name of the major region.x
majregion_shortnamecharacter varyingvarcharYESAn abbreviated or abridged textual name of the major region.x
majregion_variantnamecharacter varyingvarcharYESAn alternative and/or former name of the major region.x
minregion_idintegerint4YESThe identifier of the minor region.x
minregion_namecharacter varyingvarcharYESThe name of the minor region.x
minregion_shortnamecharacter varyingvarcharYESAn abbreviated or abridged textual name of the minor region.x
minregion_variantnamecharacter varyingvarcharYESAn alternative and/or former name of the minor region.x
streetsegment_idintegerint4NOThe unique identifier of the street
navigatecharacter varyingvarcharYESUsed by the Navigator and the Mapserver routing algorithm, e.g. "ramp", "circle", etc.x
avgspeeddouble precisionfloat8YESAn estimate of the average speed of vehicles travelling on the street segment.x
traveltimedouble precisionfloat8YESThe time in minutes to traverse the street segment when travelling at the average speed.x
routespeeddouble precisionfloat8YESThe assigned route speed of the street segment.x
routetimedouble precisionfloat8YESThe time in minutes to traverse the street segment when travelling at the route speed.x
is_tollwaysmallintint2YESAn indication of the presence of an etoll or SANRAL toll on the street segment.x
is_codecharacter varyingvarcharYESTo be removed from view.x
is_desccharacter varyingvarcharYESTo be removed from view.x
is_controlledaccesscharacterbpcharYESIndicates if the gated community is access controlled or not - Y(Yes), N(No)x
streetclass_idintegerint4YESThe category of the street segmentx
streetclasscharacter varyingvarcharYESThe category of the street segment.xx
streetmodifier_beforecharacter varyingvarcharYESAn element in the complete street name that precedes the street name and type in the complete street name and modifies it.xx
streetnamecharacter varyingvarcharYESOfficial name of a street as assigned by a local governing authority excluding the street type, directional and
streettypecharacter varyingvarcharYESThe element of the complete street name either preceding the street name element or following it that indicates the type of the street.xx
streettype_abbrvcharacter varyingvarcharYESAn abbreviation of the street type.xx
streetmodifier_aftercharacter varyingvarcharYESAn element in the complete street name that follows the street name and type in the complete street name and modifies it.xx
streetdirectionalcharacter varyingvarcharYESA geographic direction in the complete street name that either precedes or follows the street name and type, and that indicates the relative direction of the street.x
fullstreetname_longcharacter varyingvarcharYESOfficial name of a street as assigned by a local governing authority including the street type, directional and
fullstreetname_shortcharacter varyingvarcharYESOfficial name of a street as assigned by a local governing authority including the street type abbreviation, directional and modifier.x
roadnamecharacter varyingvarcharYESOfficial name of a road as assigned by a provincial or national authority or another name that is used and recognized for a road in a non-urban area.xx
sagd_ftype_idintegerint4YESSouth African Geospatial Data Dictionary feature type identifier.x
sagd_ftype_descriptioncharacter varyingvarcharYESSouth African Geospatial Data Dictionary feature type.x
sagd_etype_idintegerint4YESSouth African Geospatial Data Dictionary feature type enumeration identifier.x
sagd_etype_descriptioncharacter varyingvarcharYESSouth African Geospatial Data Dictionary feature type enumeration value.x
confidence_idintegerint4YESThe identifier for the confidence level of the record.xx
confidencecharacter varyingvarcharYESAn absolute level specifying the relative position to which the record location was captured.xx
originatorcharacter varyingvarcharYESThe party who created the resources, i.e. a reference to the original source from where the resource provider obtained the data, and where the record was created.x
custodiancharacter varyingvarcharYESThe party that accepts accountability and responsibility for the data and ensures appropriate care and maintenance of the resources.xx
resource_providercharacter varyingvarcharYESThe party that supplies the resource, i.e. the organisation that provides or distributes the dataset.x
map_label1character varyingvarcharYESA proposed expression for map labelling purposes.x
map_label2character varyingvarcharYESA proposed expression for map labelling purposes.x
map_label3character varyingvarcharYESA proposed expression for map labelling purposes.x
lngdouble precisionfloat8NOAngular distance on the earth's surface, measured east or west from the prime meridian at Greenwich, to the meridian passing through the centroid expressed in degrees.x
latdouble precisionfloat8NOThe angular distance north or south of the earth's equator, measured in degrees along a meridian, to the line of latitude passing through the centroid.x
label_lngdouble precisionfloat8NOThe recommended longitude for labelling.x
label_latdouble precisionfloat8NOThe recommended latitude for labelling.x
mbr_sw_latdouble precisionfloat8NOThe latitude of the south-west corner of the minimum boundary rectangle.x
mbr_sw_lngdouble precisionfloat8NOThe longitude of the south-west corner of the minimum boundary rectangle. x
mbr_ne_latdouble precisionfloat8NOThe latitude of the north-east corner of the minimum boundary rectangle. x
mbr_ne_lngdouble precisionfloat8NOThe longitude of the north-east corner of the minimum boundary rectangle. x
vbr_sw_latdouble precisionfloat8NOThe latitude of the south-west corner of the recommended viewport boundary rectangle.x
vbr_sw_lngdouble precisionfloat8NOThe longitude of the south-west corner of the recommended viewport boundary rectangle.x
vbr_ne_latdouble precisionfloat8NOThe latitude of the north-east corner of the recommended viewport boundary rectangle.x
vbr_ne_lngdouble precisionfloat8NOThe longitude of the north-east corner of the recommended viewport boundary rectangle.x
labeldouble precisionfloat8NOThe well-known text representation of the recommended label location.x
mbrdouble precisionfloat8NOThe well-known text representation of the minimum boundary rectangle.x
vbrdouble precisionfloat8NOThe well-known text representation of the viewport boundary rectangle.x