AfriGIS Search is a group of APIs that can be used separately or in combinations to identify an exact location and obtain additional address details for that location.
A specific location can be reached by inputting a text string and selecting the appropriate address from the options provided when using the places-autocomplete-api. Alternatively, a set of coordinates, as latitude and longitude in decimal degrees can be input and the associated location will be returned by using the srw-reversegeocode-sq-api.
Both these methods provide the user with a unique identifier (SEOID) that can be used as input to obtain more address details for that location. The places-details-api provides address details based on the level of address type selected in a detailed output. To obtain a structured output of the address components, suitable for postal and physical delivery, make use of the places-delivery-api.
The geocode-api makes use of text string input to provide the user with latitude and longitude for that location.
To assist with a smooth transfer from other search products to AfriGIS search products, the search migrate api will assist developers.
Address Search Components include:
API Name: places-autocomplete-api
AfriGIS places-autocomplete-api predicts possible place matches based on a partial string typed into the address search field. The user is provided with a list of possible matches for the partial string of characters provided as input.
Additional details for the selected address can be obtained by implementing the AfriGIS places-details-api or AfriGIS places-delivery-api, depending on the structure required from the results.
Delivery Address Format
API Name: places-delivery-api
AfriGIS Delivery Address Formatting (places-delivery-api) returns an address broken down into separate address lines based on results obtained from AfriGIS address datasets. The purpose of this API is to assist in generating physical and postal address details for the use in service or product delivery.
Reverse Geocode
API Name: srw-reversegeocode-sq-api
AfriGIS srw-reversegeocode-sq-api is part of the AfriGIS SRW API suite. Reverse geocoding uses coordinate input (as latitude and longitude) of a geographic feature that enables client applications/solutions to obtain a human-recognisable address, such as province, suburb, or street address for the coordinate point. It consists of Smart Reverse Geocode and Basic Reverse Geocode.
This service supports all available datasets within the African continent.
This API makes use of OAuth2 authentication. To integrate, sign up for a free trial account by contacting [email protected]
For detailed integration instructions using OAuth2, please click on the following link: https://developers.afrigis.co.za/oauth2-authentication/