The Business Analysis API allows users to search for statistical information on enterprises (businesses), directors and auditors for a specified area.
Request input is via an seoid as returned by AfriGIS Autocomplete or Geocode APIs.
The business_level (address type levels) for which responses are returned:
- sublocality_level_1
- sublocality_level_2
- locality
- adminarea_level_3
- adminarea_level_2
- adminarea_level_1
- country
Examples of the address type levels (business_level) can be found in the link below
Annual Address
Information and statistics relating to businesses, directors and auditors are returned by this API. This includes a summary of address details and business trend information. Business trend information is provided per year and includes counts of the total number of businesses, directors and auditors in the area. It also breaks this information down by the status of the businesses and the type of businesses in the area.
This API makes use of OAuth2 authentication. To integrate, sign up for a free trial account by contacting [email protected]
For detailed integration instructions using OAuth2, please click on the following link: https://developers.afrigis.co.za/oauth2-authentication/
To view technical documentation describing the details of Business Analysis, click on the button below.