The postal code Analysis API is a service that provides insight into the population data in a postal code. A single postal code can contain vastly different types of suburbs in terms of demographics, as can be viewed in the report.
The API determines the street code for a specific address. Address input is a seoid or set of coordinates (latitude and longitude).
The data returned includes a summary of information for all suburbs combined within the street code or sharing a box code. Additional information for each suburb is also included.
Summary data returned include:
- Total area
- Average household income
- Total population
- Household count
- List of commercial activities
Additional information per suburb include:
- Average household income
- Population
- Roads in kilometres
- Count of sectional schemes
- Household income
The relevant polygon of the specified dataset is returned as GeoJSON.
The two postal code analysis API endpoints that generate reports determine the street code for a specific address and then return information for the suburbs within the code.
Address input is via seoid obtained from the AfriGIS autocomplete or geocode APIs or a set of coordinates (latitude and longitude).
A summary of information for the postal code area is returned as a PDF report. This includes a map of the area. Additional annual household income information per suburb is also provided.
Summary information include:
- Count of sectional schemes
- Kilometres of road
- Number of households
- Total population
- Count of suburbs
- Lowest and highest suburb income
- Commercial activities graph
Additional information on annual household income, per suburb shown:
- Total average income
- Income level
- Number of people
This API makes use of OAuth2 authentication. To integrate, sign up for a free trial account by contacting [email protected]
For detailed integration instructions using OAuth2, please click on the following link: https://developers.afrigis.co.za/oauth2-authentication/
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