The South African Weather Service (SAWS) issues warnings of severe weather occurrences that could potentially affect the South African population, property or livestock.
Information provided are for larger geographical areas such as whole municipalities.
Warnings can be issued for conditions set to occur between 1 to 5 days in advance. The response has three times associated with it:
- sent – the time that the warning was created
- start_time – the expected start time of the event
- expires – time that the warning will no longer be valid
The current feed for the day (back to the previous day at midnight), or a history of up to 31 days at a time, can be requested, depending on the endpoint used.
Events for which warnings are issued include:
- Adverse Cyclonic Conditions
- Damaging Winds
- Extreme Cold
- Extreme Heat
- Fire Danger
- Flooding
- Heat Wave
- Heavy Rain
- High Discomfort
- High Seas
- Sand Dust Storms
- Severe Thunderstorms
- Snow
- Weather Advisory
Weather Warnings Feed
The feed endpoint retrieves the current warning feed for active weather conditions. It includes Warnings, Watches and Advisories that are active or forecast from midnight (UTC/02:00 SAST) of the previous day.
The input parameter allows the user to input the date and time of the last request submitted, which will then only return responses of warnings generated after that time. This assists with not having to repeatedly process warnings that have already been processed.
Weather Warnings History
The history of weather warnings active between two specified dates and times are retrieved using the warnings-history endpoint.
Only events where the start time and expiry time falls within the selected date range will be returned. The maximum time span is 31 days. Larger time spans will return an error.
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For detailed integration instructions using OAuth2, please click on the following link: https://developers.afrigis.co.za/oauth2-authentication/
To view technical documentation describing the details of Weather Warnings, click on the button below.