Confidence Levels
AfriGIS confidence levels are an indication of the level of accuracy to which an address has been located. Confidence level 1 is an indication that, for instance, the address is accurate enough for someone to locate your front door/gate. Confidence level 4 means someone will be in your street, within 5 meters of your location. If the closest point of confidence is the centre of the suburb, the address will be assigned a confidence level of 6.
The following confidence levels are supported
Level | Confidence | Description |
0 | Unknown | The coordinate has an unknown location. |
1 | Centre of point of service delivery | The coordinate is located on the centre of point of service delivery. |
2 | Centre of land parcel | The coordinate is located on the centre of the land parcel boundary. |
3 | Centre of intersection | The coordinate is the intersection of two given crossing streets. |
4 | Within 5 meters of the street | The coordinate is located within an address range of the street. |
5 | Arbitrary point on the street | The coordinate is located along the street segment. |
6 | Centre of sublocality level 1 boundary | The coordinate is located on the centre of the sublocality level one boundary. |
7 | Centre of sublocality level 2 boundary | The coordinate is located on the centre of the sublocality level two boundary. |
8 | Centre of locality boundary | The coordinate is located on the centre of the locality boundary. |
9 | Centre of administrative area level 2 and 3 boundary | The coordinate is located on the centre of the administrative area level two and three. |
10 | Centre of administrative area level 1 boundary | The coordinate is located on the centre of the administrative area level one. |
11 | Centre of country boundary | The coordinate is located on the centre of the country. |