API Name: places-autocomplete-api
AfriGIS Address Search is a REST API service that includes AfriGIS places-autocomplete-api. Autocomplete predicts possible place matches based on a partial string typed into the address search field. The user is provided with a list of possible matches for the partial string of characters provided as input.
Additional details for the selected address can be obtained by implementing the AfriGIS places-details-api or AfriGIS places-delivery-api, depending on the structure required from the results.
Input is provided in the form of a partial string typed into a search field. The API then returns possible matches based on the characters input.
Autocomplete intelligence
Autocomplete (places-autocomplete-api) is intelligent as it takes possible user errors or habits into account when performing the search for a possible match.
The following is taken into account:
- Provision for typing or spelling errors
- Multi-word component matching, or in other words, neglecting to leave spaces between individual words, e.g., RigelAvenueErasmuskloof matches Rigel Avenue, Erasmuskloof, Pretoria, Gauteng, 0181
- Removal of separator characters, e.g., “Rigel,$% avenue; erasuskloof, ,,” should match Rigel Avenue, Erasmuskloof, Pretoria, Gauteng, 0181
- Support for multi-word synonyms, for the following address components:
- Provision for typing or spelling errors
- Multi-word component matching, or in other words, neglecting to leave spaces between individual words, e.g., RigelAvenueErasmuskloof matches Rigel Avenue, Erasmuskloof, Pretoria, Gauteng, 0181
- Removal of separator characters, e.g., “Rigel,$% avenue; erasuskloof, ,,” should match Rigel Avenue, Erasmuskloof, Pretoria, Gauteng, 0181
- Support for multi-word synonyms, for the following address components:
- Street type abbreviations “St”, “Rd”, “Blvd” etc. are treated as synonyms of their full forms “Street”, “Road”, “Boulevard” etc.
- Street type language dictionary translation, “Rylaan”, “Laan” etc. are translated from Afrikaans to English dictionary “Lane” etc.
- Administrative area abbreviations “GP”, “LP” etc. are treated as synonyms of their full forms “Gauteng”, “Limpopo” etc.
- Cadastral reference indicators “Stand” etc. are treated as synonyms of their full forms “Erf” etc.
- Intersection identifiers “corner”, “hoek van”, “c/o” etc. are treated as synonyms of their full forms “Cnr” etc.
The search method also allows for alternate addresses and/or colloquial aliases.
This API makes use of OAuth2 authentication. To integrate, sign up for a free trial account by contacting [email protected]
For detailed integration instructions using OAuth2, please click on the following link: https://developers.afrigis.co.za/oauth2-authentication/
To view technical documentation describing the details of places-autocomplete-api, click on the button below.