Reverse Geocode
API Name: srw-reversegeocode-sq-api
AfriGIS srw-reversegeocode-sq-api is part of the AfriGIS SRW API suite. Reverse geocoding uses coordinate input (as latitude and longitude) of a geographic feature(s) that enables client applications/solutions to obtain a human-recognisable address, such as province, suburb, or street address for the coordinate point. It consists of Smart Reverse Geocode and Basic Reverse Geocode.
This service supports all available datasets within the African continent.
Smart geocode
Smart geocode includes, in addition to the latitude and longitude, optional parameters for the number of results to return (limit) as well as the address tile server level of results (level). The response fields not only include the human comprehensible address but also information on the proximity of the spatial feature to the response coordinates.
Basic geocode
Basic geocode requires the latitude and longitude as input parameters as well as schema filtering to include only one of the available feature types in the results. The optional parameters include setting up a radius for the inclusion of results within a circle centred on the specific coordinates and the option to limit the number of results to return.
This API makes use of OAuth2 authentication. To integrate, sign up for a free trial account by contacting [email protected]
For detailed integration instructions using OAuth2, please click on the following link: https://developers.afrigis.co.za/oauth2-authentication/
To view technical documentation describing the details of srw-reversegeocode-sq-api, click on the button below.