Weather Forecast
API Name: weather-forecast
Weather forecast data, per day, for the next seven days is retrieved via the weather forecast API.
Daily forecast
Weather forecast data can be retrieved on a daily basis, once a day, for the next seven days.
Basic information returned include:
- Description
- Temperature
- Precipitation
- Wind
Extended information include:
- Humidity
- Pressure
- Fire
- UV
Astronomical information include:
- Sun and moon rise and set times
- Moon phases
Tidal information include:
- High and low tide times
- Tide heights
Intra-day forecast
Intra-day forecasts can also be retrieved. This data is available twice to four times per day, for the next seven days.
Basic information returned include:
- Description
- Temperature
- Precipitation
- Wind
- Cloudiness
Extended information include:
- Humidity
- Dew
- Frost
- Visibility
Cloud information include:
- Low, medium, and high cloud percentage
- Cloud spread
Rain information include:
- Light, moderate, and heavy rain probabilities
Swell information include:
- Direction
- Height
- Period
Daily Weather Forecast by Coordinate
Daily weather forecast data is returned for a specific location. The location is provided as a set of coordinates and the closest weather station is determined. A buffer around the location can be set and the number of stations to provide results for, can be specified. The day count and groups can be specified to extend the amount of information to be returned.
Daily Weather Forecast by Bounding Box
A bounding box is a rectangular area specified by two sets of coordinates. Daily weather forecast data for all the weather stations that fall within the bounding box will be returned. The day count and groups can be specified to extend the amount of information to be returned.
Daily Weather Forecast by Weather Station
A list of the weather stations for which daily weather forecast results should be returned is provided as an input for this API endpoint. The day count and groups can be specified to extend the amount of information to be returned.
View a list of weather stations and synop_no’s.
Intra-day Weather Forecast by Coordinate
Daily weather forecast data is returned for a specific location. The location is provided as a set of coordinates and the closest weather station is determined. A buffer around the location can be set and the number of stations to provide results for, can be specified. The location buffer and station count can be specified to limit the geographical results returned. The amount of information can be extended by specifying the day count and groups.
Intra-day Weather Forecast by Bounding Box
A bounding box is a rectangular area specified by two sets of coordinates. Intra-day weather forecast data for all the weather stations that fall within the bounding box will be returned. The day count and groups can be specified to extend the amount of information to be returned.
Intra-day Weather Forecast by Weather Station
A list of the weather stations for which daily weather forecast results should be returned is provided as an input for this API endpoint. The day count and groups can be specified to extend the amount of information to be returned.
View a list of weather stations and synop_no’s.
This API makes use of OAuth2 authentication. To integrate, sign up for a free trial account by contacting [email protected]
For detailed integration instructions using OAuth2, please click on the following link: https://developers.afrigis.co.za/oauth2-authentication/
To view technical documentation describing the details of Weather Forecast, click on the button below.